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Song Lyrics
The Journey

Mighty Ocean



Stop and Think

Cruel Power

Arcadia in Verse

Flight of Crows

Cruel Power ~ Music by Holly Reed
Lyrics from Ben Gunn's poem
"The Vagrancy Law"

When laws are made by men of wealth
Do they consider the poor man's health
Do they even think of the poor man's fate
When they're stealing the crumbs right from the mouths of babes

We must rise up, rise up and fight
Stand up, stand up for what is right
Throw out those fiends of cruel power
And take back this land before the final hour

It was never meant for sinful men
To wring a fortune from their kin
To sell their souls when they make the laws
That crush the poor as if with iron jaws

Those heinous laws made for the few
What on earth can a poor man do?
Who has no gold to pay the tax
And the burden is placed right on the poor man's back

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